Monday, December 19, 2016



Career : Bring it on New Challenge ! New environment !! ... Never give up ..... 

Financial : Plan wisely. At least 5 digits Cash in hand. 

Relationship : May God Bless me. 

Summary for above:

Career: Had been 7-9 companies interviewed. In the end, it show that my next stop still far apart. 

Financial: What can i said is shaking and risk. 

Relationship: Complicated... 2017 might be turning point. 

Coming 2017 plant to be update. ..

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

It's come to end of

2016 ending. Am i on the track on what I had planned at the begin of the year ? 

Lots of things happened throughout of the year, on Career, Family, Friendship even Relationship. 

Happiness and Sadness are joint together from day 1 of 2016.This is circle of life, what can we do is cherish and enjoy it. 
Memorable, Cherish, Harmony, Warm, & Enjoy month, which recall back what had we achieve throughout 12 months journey  

Mr Lee, are you serious this time ? ! If yes, please give all your best !! All in & Show Hand !! 

If you do it Right, Once is enough ...................


Monday, November 7, 2016


匆匆忙忙的过了十月,从喜到优后来 松了一口气。。。



往前一步是黄昏 退后一步是人生

接着就是自己的一年一度的室内足球比赛了,这一届很难眠因为增加球队了,担心没人参加,担心控制不到场面,担心出事,种种的事一直到脑里 直到圆满结束。。。。。希望明年可以做到更好吧。。


Saturday, September 17, 2016

Simple Month.

Well Simple & Mono status month.

nothing special happened this month. It seems goes dull every weekend.

relax and relief which there isn't any plan/activity going on.

feel kindly bored of doing nothing.

coming month of october, november& december will be pack and hope everything goes smoothly. ;-)

3 more months will be ending of 2016, what had i achieved ? year end review soon. 

where is my courage to say hi again ? come on ! before its late. Yes you can !

Monday, August 22, 2016

Never know this...

赛后有不同都的领悟和感触。。。。。 激发又激励自己,再出发!
人生没有几次的 “如果”,只要决心还在只有前进!!



Monday, July 4, 2016

2nd half of 2016

1st half of 2016 ended. Let's cheers for the begin of 2nd half 2016.

It's should be slow down of program/activities compare to past 6 mths which is busy and exhausted. 

Hey, is it True ? Accidentally, saw the Status- S....... I'll willing to try again ! Although, seem not a good move. 

I will keep fighting till the end, and I need just move on and on, and on, and on !! 

What NEXT ? reminding myself to seek better opportunity out there than current job. Priority at neighborhood country... **frustrated .  . .

Where NEXT? Nippon !? will be different from previous trip 

In Life be a Warrior , not a worrieR. !!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Superb June !









当一个人走在路上想了想难道这一生就这样过去了吗? 为何不让我的脚印去更多地方留下美好的回忆,为何不去完成还没达成的愿望?别让自己那么多烦恼吧!
一起加油!往前走,往前看,梦想始终会实现的!! 努力吧!!

留下只有思念 一串串永遠纏
浩瀚煙波裡我懷念 懷念往年
外貌早改變 處境都變 情懷未變


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

2016 26 Happy Birthday

This kind of thankful to Primary, Secondary Friends,who are willing spend time with me and one special from Singapore accidentally meet.
Glad to know, we are still keep in touch till Today.

As usual 3 wishes:

-Wishing everyone who I know, stay good and healthy
-Get a good career sooner
-See You Again.

Thank You. 

Friday, April 15, 2016

J & C

Job & Career 

I had been worked for 1 year + , what i learned was, patient, focus, emotion, satisfy, experiences etc.....

A good learning experiences in well-known company, unfortunately there isn't a place i wanted for long term plan. At beginning, kind of struggle communicate with elder person until recently slowly I learned how to corporate with them.  I learned how to control temper whenever pressure and tension are come to me. Time management is one of the important during working. 

In the end, I realise working for experiences or money doesn't the main important issue anymore. I found Happiness in working is the most important which provide satisfaction in the end of day which i hoping coming soon.


Monday, April 4, 2016

Dinner Talk 2016

This is first program of the year by the local constituency Youth - PeBT N44c

Title was set one month ago and we have only one month preparation before this.
At the beginning of the week,  people who asking for information is more than participant. | a little worries......
Meanwhile, I still try my best on promo at social media, banners, word of mouth etc... At least, there is people registered. \still worries whether manage get expected of 50 public.

At last, manage get 40 public participants and committee of 10. Still worries whether they will turn up or not. In the end, more than half teenagers turn up and make this Talk successfully.

Positive feedback from the crowded.

We Will Do again !

Do or Do Not, there is no TrY !

Sunday, March 27, 2016

14 years later

We are still stick together strong as Rock. Friendship Never Melt since 2002,1998, 1994.... never ending...

It is glad and touched we able to join this trip. Full of memorable moment.
吃喝玩乐,喜怒哀乐 can find in this trip.
Seldom travel with friends such happy and excited.
You will never come across this kind of Trip in your life again... 

Stay tune, Let's meet up again at the next Trip

朋友 一生一起走
那些日子 不再有
一句話 一輩子
一生情 一杯酒
朋友 不曾孤單過
一聲朋友 你會懂
還有傷 還有痛
還要走 還有我

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Many Year Ago.

8years? 9 years? I have no idea......


在我朋友圈子里,你配的上 “最坚强的女人”,你的一切经历不是每个人都能承受的。。。知道了,我自己也不好受,你是从那么艰苦一路走来的。。。。
这也没想到,近来会走得那么近,你也愿意分享你的一些经历,希望你在未来的日子开开心心,快乐度过。。别再流泪了。。。只要能让你开心 我什么都愿意

接下来的,祝福你在事业更高一层楼,虽然会面对种种挑战,只要你需要人聊天,随时联络我吧。。。。。一路陪你。。。 不管路有多么远 一定会让你实现

不管有多少风雨 我都会依然陪着你。。。。。。。。。。



Friday, February 19, 2016

Month of Feb

It's always Emo-ing month for me.

How are you there? *question for 9 years. V, Happy Birthday

It's was a Wonderful Chinese New Year. Feel warm of Family. Lots of gathering. Although you are no around, we still miss you, Aunty :-(

Sunday, January 31, 2016

6 years ago

After 6 years later, I'm Back here. Different group ,  Different story, Different Feeling..........

An unforgettable New Year trip with lots of contents.

" Friendship.. Is not something you learn in school.. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learn anything... "

See you guys again...



Sunday, January 3, 2016


Wishing Family & Friends Happy New Year 2016. !! 

New Chapter of 365 days begin, Lets complete what we Miss in 2015. 

Throw away negative/bad news  happen in past, we need more Positive energy ! 

Throw away bad habit/emotion, repent and reflect for a better personality. 


Career : Bring it on New Challenge ! New environment !! ... Never give up ..... 

Financial : Plan wisely. At least 5 digits Cash in hand. 

Relationship : May God Bless me.

2023 First Quarter

💪 事业记 金融系毕业,工作经验 7 年左右有银行,制造业,保健产品,数据公司等。。。虽然听起来经验丰富但就是没有那个起劲或者方向,再不然是钱没有到位?种种原因吧 人生嘛 起起落落 嘻嘻   最后一份在办公室的工作是轻轻松松的,就是钱不到位,才有别的想法了,但是那个时候是疫情期...