hi,my skul holiday..........
haiz.....wake up 11-12pm,eat lunch.....slp again 1-4pm..hehe...then play n watch tv till 8pm dinner...then on pc n chat till 3-4am...sometime 6-7am...haha
bt tis holiday,i know some nice girl from friendster..haha..so lucky gv me meet a girl name $$$...hehe...i gt contact her ..so far so good wit her ..nw gt Feel liao ..OMG!!! cuz i din saw her b4 , juz chat wit her by handphone...haiz..she stay at SELANyang...hmm,i oso gt like a girl at my skul,she reject me b4 bt i gt confidence tat i can court her back..haha...AM i a Play BOy????haiz,haiz,haiz,haiz
i mb celebrate my christmAS at SIngapore 1st wit family, 2nd wit jin liang..always follow he..hehe wat mean leh????haha my best fren...
A Success person is find ways! A Failure person is giving Excuse.... ==yoU noT finISH if u losE,You FINish if you QUit= 我不在乎得到什么,只在乎付出多少
Friday, December 22, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
a girl get rape...klg!!
a teenage girl about 17 hadgone tovisit some friends one evening and timepassed quickly as each shared theirvarious experiences of the past year.She ended up staying longer than
planned, and had to walk home alone.She
wasn't afraid because it was a smalltown and she lived only a few blocksaway.As she walked along under the tall elmtrees,Diane asked God to keep her safefrom harm and danger. When she reachedthe alley, which wasa short cut to her house, she decidedtotake it.However, halfway down the alley shenoticed a man standing at the end asthough he was waiting for her. Shebecame uneasy and began to pray, askingfor God's protection. Instantly acomforting feeling of quietness andsecurity wrapped round her, she felt asthough someone was walking with her.When she reached the end of the alley,she walked right past the man andarrived home safely.The following day, she read in thenewspaper that a young girl had beenraped in the same alley just twentyminutes after she had been there.Feeling overwhelmed by this tragedy andthe fact that it could have been her,shebegan to weep.Thanking the Lord for her safety and tohelp this young woman, she decided togoto the police station.She felt she could recognize the man,soshe told them her story.The police asked her if she would bewilling to look at a lineup to see ifshe couldidentify him.She agreed and immediately pointed outthe man she had seen in the alley thenightbefore. When the man was told he hadbeen identified, he immediately brokedown and confessed.The officer thanked Diane for herbravery and asked if there wasanything theycould do for her. She asked if theywould ask the man one question.Diane was curious as to why he had notattacked her.When the policeman asked him, heanswered, "Because she wasn't alone.She had two tall men walking on eitherside of her."Amazingly, whether you believe or not,you're never alone. Did you know that98% of teenagers will not stand up forGod?Repost this as A girl raped in (yourcity) if you truly believe in God..,PS: God is always there in your heartand loves you no matter what.....and ifu stand up 4 him u would repost thisi bet 93% of u people dat read dis wontrepost
planned, and had to walk home alone.She
wasn't afraid because it was a smalltown and she lived only a few blocksaway.As she walked along under the tall elmtrees,Diane asked God to keep her safefrom harm and danger. When she reachedthe alley, which wasa short cut to her house, she decidedtotake it.However, halfway down the alley shenoticed a man standing at the end asthough he was waiting for her. Shebecame uneasy and began to pray, askingfor God's protection. Instantly acomforting feeling of quietness andsecurity wrapped round her, she felt asthough someone was walking with her.When she reached the end of the alley,she walked right past the man andarrived home safely.The following day, she read in thenewspaper that a young girl had beenraped in the same alley just twentyminutes after she had been there.Feeling overwhelmed by this tragedy andthe fact that it could have been her,shebegan to weep.Thanking the Lord for her safety and tohelp this young woman, she decided togoto the police station.She felt she could recognize the man,soshe told them her story.The police asked her if she would bewilling to look at a lineup to see ifshe couldidentify him.She agreed and immediately pointed outthe man she had seen in the alley thenightbefore. When the man was told he hadbeen identified, he immediately brokedown and confessed.The officer thanked Diane for herbravery and asked if there wasanything theycould do for her. She asked if theywould ask the man one question.Diane was curious as to why he had notattacked her.When the policeman asked him, heanswered, "Because she wasn't alone.She had two tall men walking on eitherside of her."Amazingly, whether you believe or not,you're never alone. Did you know that98% of teenagers will not stand up forGod?Repost this as A girl raped in (yourcity) if you truly believe in God..,PS: God is always there in your heartand loves you no matter what.....and ifu stand up 4 him u would repost thisi bet 93% of u people dat read dis wontrepost
Sunday, December 10, 2006
excited DAY!!........MAS BOLeH!!!
haha...malaysia young doubles....win the badminton final at asian game-DOha....1st badminton GOld && after 36 year win back the Gold!!!! wow !! they beat world champion-china,indonesia,.....ROXX!!!!!!.........so happy!!!........
Saturday, December 2, 2006
wat is true love???80% 4 guys....
hi,true love ??wat tat?? y teen nw hv love?? hmm,maybe god gives them....i think nt,cuz till nw i din my true love yet...y arrived??tmw?tonite??2007???hmm,true love is find from ur heart de, must hv 2 ppl like each other at the same time n no brave to face it cuz of shy....at the side of guys--u must nt be shy,u must hv the siprit to face it n make it successful,..hw the guys know like a girl??? --when saw her,ur heart keep beat like bullet train...n always wan find chance to talk to her..when another guys nearby her n joke wit her till laugh,u will hv a feel tat y urself cant like tat make her smile to urself...u must prove it u r the best choice among the other guys..hw?? learn to talk some sweet word bt nt too much,hehe... always rmb her name,rmb her details,birthdays,phone num,...the important is must always care bout her n be there when her sad...when birthday, buy a present tat she like much by asking her friend n make her touch...u must get along with her n know more bout her by asking her friend too..hehe..1st year,try to know bout her detail n gv her a good attidue to she...2nd,always make her happy,n gv her feel safety when wit u....then find a good day invite her out then hehehehehehehehehehe ask love from her...SURE Success!! i will nt 4get bout the @@ LEgend bookiE ##story...coming soon.............................................................good lucK!!
my NOvemBER!!...
hmm,from start of nov till nw..i do ntg,juz go tution n do 10%revision..60% play....40%slp...haiz,,,,
now was dec liao,wat should i do??? haiz...gt any idea??tell me....tell u all la,i will write about a (( LEGend BOOkie ))
now was dec liao,wat should i do??? haiz...gt any idea??tell me....tell u all la,i will write about a (( LEGend BOOkie ))
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
A people n "siblings" i will remember forever & ever ...
hi buddy,
tis is i write the 3rd time,tis time i wan introduce a guys or my ''Hao Xiong Di'' tat share,happy..anger..sorrow..joyful..wit me. His name is LJL,www.urfren827.blogspot.com,
he is a hardworking guys.....tat is me n his story this 4 year:::
i know him cuz i "cow bu",when i std 6he come back to his primary skul,i was study there,i juz shade hand n gv a smile to him..thena year is pass.......
It was form 1 me,i was saw lucky cuz i hv same van wit him to skul,tat time,i rmb tat him.. the guys i shade hand wit...at tis year,i always find a chance to visit his hse cuz nearby my hse i din hv any fren so..every time when i hv chance past by his i will take a view c whether hv any event...N gt 1 time,i saw his hse having BBq then i "cow bu" again, ask 4 join the BBq, he accepted..i join it tat day..then i know little bout his family,like his younger sis n elder sis-my jie jie nw..1 more ppl is his fatty maid...hehehaha...tat end my relationship tis year wit him
Form 2 r more likely same wit form 1,so juz jump to form3...tis year it has many trouble happen to me n him too...hehe--some secrect cant say,sorry ....hmm,we always mock a girl tat same van wit us tat funs...haha...almost at the mid-year,i make a BIG mistake to make my jie jie ,so sad n regret tat wat i hv done to her.she din talk to me bout 3-4 months..=(=(...1 day,i LJL jie jie n his younger sis go KP-klg parade we 4 play a game call DayTonA...then tat day, she start talk back wit me,tat my mind say to myself..i will nt make her angry anymore in my lifetime 4ever...hmm,nw back to him,he wan court a girl bt always hv many prob between them,u know y??Cuz of me,destroyer!!!!haiz,tat time i feel sorry to him--LJL..cuz i always hv joke to the girl tat say LJL like other girl outside n other ............continue..........he help on $$ many much,if nt him,today i maybe hv no chance write tis blog here N in HELL...thanks LJL,jie jie,mx too.....
2006-form 4...our relationship more closer n closer by day n days...i always wit him when go anywhere tat he go...haha like a dog rite??....sometimes we gt quarrel bt i din scold him b4 from the day we meet till nw,bt he scold me is all right de,cuz i do wrong many mistake...hmm,He is MAlaysia furture famous LawyER...cuz he study law nw..n i maybe furture business man or bookie..haha...till nw me n him still good bro...
to low 3 siblings n maid,
thanks of u all tis 4 year,u all make me happy n no feel boring in my house,to mx..thanks of gv me many advise n caring..hope u get well in ur study n happy wit ur bf..hehe..to jiejie..thanks 4 caring me,hope u find a good guy n be happy everyday..to LJL hope u make ur dream come truth,to be a lawyer && n 4get ur mission 2013!!haha....to maid..thanks n dun eat so much....
........................Good LuCk,HaVe a niCe dAy,wisH u All thE beST...................
to all,
we must cherish everythings,b4 late....no regert in life,cuz u choose urself n dun blame..we can make a mistake bt nt a bad things ................. ...copyright@ kwlee.....by kwlee.....
tis is i write the 3rd time,tis time i wan introduce a guys or my ''Hao Xiong Di'' tat share,happy..anger..sorrow..joyful..wit me. His name is LJL,www.urfren827.blogspot.com,
he is a hardworking guys.....tat is me n his story this 4 year:::
i know him cuz i "cow bu",when i std 6he come back to his primary skul,i was study there,i juz shade hand n gv a smile to him..thena year is pass.......
It was form 1 me,i was saw lucky cuz i hv same van wit him to skul,tat time,i rmb tat him.. the guys i shade hand wit...at tis year,i always find a chance to visit his hse cuz nearby my hse i din hv any fren so..every time when i hv chance past by his i will take a view c whether hv any event...N gt 1 time,i saw his hse having BBq then i "cow bu" again, ask 4 join the BBq, he accepted..i join it tat day..then i know little bout his family,like his younger sis n elder sis-my jie jie nw..1 more ppl is his fatty maid...hehehaha...tat end my relationship tis year wit him
Form 2 r more likely same wit form 1,so juz jump to form3...tis year it has many trouble happen to me n him too...hehe--some secrect cant say,sorry ....hmm,we always mock a girl tat same van wit us tat funs...haha...almost at the mid-year,i make a BIG mistake to make my jie jie ,so sad n regret tat wat i hv done to her.she din talk to me bout 3-4 months..=(=(...1 day,i LJL jie jie n his younger sis go KP-klg parade we 4 play a game call DayTonA...then tat day, she start talk back wit me,tat my mind say to myself..i will nt make her angry anymore in my lifetime 4ever...hmm,nw back to him,he wan court a girl bt always hv many prob between them,u know y??Cuz of me,destroyer!!!!haiz,tat time i feel sorry to him--LJL..cuz i always hv joke to the girl tat say LJL like other girl outside n other ............continue..........he help on $$ many much,if nt him,today i maybe hv no chance write tis blog here N in HELL...thanks LJL,jie jie,mx too.....
2006-form 4...our relationship more closer n closer by day n days...i always wit him when go anywhere tat he go...haha like a dog rite??....sometimes we gt quarrel bt i din scold him b4 from the day we meet till nw,bt he scold me is all right de,cuz i do wrong many mistake...hmm,He is MAlaysia furture famous LawyER...cuz he study law nw..n i maybe furture business man or bookie..haha...till nw me n him still good bro...
to low 3 siblings n maid,
thanks of u all tis 4 year,u all make me happy n no feel boring in my house,to mx..thanks of gv me many advise n caring..hope u get well in ur study n happy wit ur bf..hehe..to jiejie..thanks 4 caring me,hope u find a good guy n be happy everyday..to LJL hope u make ur dream come truth,to be a lawyer && n 4get ur mission 2013!!haha....to maid..thanks n dun eat so much....
........................Good LuCk,HaVe a niCe dAy,wisH u All thE beST...................
to all,
we must cherish everythings,b4 late....no regert in life,cuz u choose urself n dun blame..we can make a mistake bt nt a bad things ................. ...copyright@ kwlee.....by kwlee.....
Monday, November 27, 2006
Day wit my fren go out ...
hi,it was friday i feel boring,then rmb a fren from taylor college-jia yi call me last few days to invite me out to play DOTA...then i call back him,he say no prob,then come my hse by 9.30pm ...1st we go jusco to walk walk then go back bkt tinggi...me,tong chin,wei sheng,chee wei,kee nam n chii boon total 7 go mamak 1st bout 1am,2am we go cafe start our days till morning 8am,after pay we walk out saw fog like genting, then go hv our breakfast after breakfast the 6ppl starting like a pig going die--slp..i still can ...jia yi sen d me home by 11am...
Friday, November 17, 2006
1st day lo..
hi,today it was my 1st time write blog...nw is 3.45am...ntg to do..dun know wat to do tis holiday...i feel 4gt wat is study n juz play n slp!!!hehe...c u n bb
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2023 First Quarter
💪 事业记 金融系毕业,工作经验 7 年左右有银行,制造业,保健产品,数据公司等。。。虽然听起来经验丰富但就是没有那个起劲或者方向,再不然是钱没有到位?种种原因吧 人生嘛 起起落落 嘻嘻 最后一份在办公室的工作是轻轻松松的,就是钱不到位,才有别的想法了,但是那个时候是疫情期...

Hmm...my 1st semester doing damn bad and not satisfy with those result...I'm sure i will improve it and do well in the coming semester.....
After Half years +,They meet again!!! What is the latest plan with them?? hahaha, help china victims?myanmar victims?malaysia political?
In my life,i feel vry vry vry proud of my buddie tat have good result in their education...THEM is my MenTor to move on wit my education...g...