Tuesday, December 21, 2010



Dissapointing grandma can't with us.. she need take care grandpa..

for grandma-- I will bring you go.. Wait M3... Give me time.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The LaSt Samurai

Th3 LasT TrY... All IN to be mak3... Will not take anymore action after this Strik3

Once And for AlL

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Judgement D@y

have been decided...

On 2011- Giggs(Month)- Xavi(Day)...

I wiLl make my shoot.. IN the net or Out the N3T?? Never try never know, until make the 1st move...... I will try my best to play a good game until The day I been set... Let's check it out.

A Last Last Move. CheckMate.? A sincere or A stability? A Loyal or A monetary?

Lack of confident yetTT

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Is a Gamble..

When making decision, we are gambling..

Right decision = WIN . . . . . . . . . .Wrong decision = LOSE..

A Winner are a people that accept challenge and will not easily giving up...

Gamble with luck will end up lose more than win..

Intelligent, Knowledge, Courage and Insight are require for a WINNER

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Cause and Effect

Known as KARMA

Everything is come with it reason. Today achievement just because you hardwork..

Cause of you, Effect of me.


Yes, It is very soon... Information are main source...
Everything Is disadvantage against you...

Hope i'm wrong.. Hope my prediction is wrong.. Hope things go smooth and nice as i wish..

Friday, December 3, 2010

1st week.

Enjoyable week. What next's? No sports week ... LAzy...

Watching Hong Kong series about gamble, Worriessss..of Betting will bring Harm..

The B3st way is don't learn and interested on any betting.. Or else , you will in deep shit,suffering ; low chances in better situation.

2023 First Quarter

💪 事业记 金融系毕业,工作经验 7 年左右有银行,制造业,保健产品,数据公司等。。。虽然听起来经验丰富但就是没有那个起劲或者方向,再不然是钱没有到位?种种原因吧 人生嘛 起起落落 嘻嘻   最后一份在办公室的工作是轻轻松松的,就是钱不到位,才有别的想法了,但是那个时候是疫情期...