Sunday, July 6, 2008

Everyone have .... =)

hmm....wat everyone have??...$?happy life??poor?rich?...this all i've been past too... I can be a richest teen in secondary skul... i can be the idol but still have 1day i become the poor the ppl who hate by other too... juz depends on i maintain...did i do well?? NO... everyone is Greedy for everything and will not be content with one lot...especially $$$... wat can we do??...

Everyone have Pressure,u got i got... juz which category in? haizz...What a college for me,down day by day...from good to bad to worst la... still dun wan awake??... haizzz.. xxxx xxx !!!! dont let it down pls !!! ...

This quote from xxxxxy:

When studying pressure get gud result..
we have to get result to c our status in our own education... so,we fight for it... when fight for it,we could have alot of different pressure ... family?friends?even self...

When finish studying pressure get job..
i'm not but i know about it... when i was in holiday i try ti find a better job for myself too...but it was so difficult... nowadays in the compete world, all large firm are hiring a better education qualification...pressure right?

When get job already pressure to get married..
yeah,can i skip study and jump to work n get marry?...eheh....sure no!!... what is my ambition? malaysia top business work hard.... in the world now,is damn hard to find a ppl that suitable for self... what type for me?? ... gentle,caring that enough... 4more years for me to search la... have to go step by step ma...

When get married oledi pressure get children
--thats parents job lor..
Wow,looks interesting here,this all guy and lady lots comment... =)

So,now i should double up myself... LIFE doesn't require that we be the best,only that we try our best...

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2023 First Quarter

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