Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Rememeber me

I was thought http://kwlee23200.blogspot.com/2010/08/5-years-incantation.html give me 5 years time.. i want Revenge.. I prison myself for 5years.. To be punish and get to learn the lesson.. Hey, once the day i release, it was a day of you "death".. Hope u manage ur ''business'' withing the period..

In my view, who offend me.. he will get the pay... 2x times return.. because i want you to rmb, i am not that kind of people easily bully... be prepared for the day... I can be patient and wait for the day.. hope u still in the field... i will not, let u go easily this time..

Although, now i'm waiting for that day.. yourself must be prepare.. i always recall, how u treat me........

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2023 First Quarter

💪 事业记 金融系毕业,工作经验 7 年左右有银行,制造业,保健产品,数据公司等。。。虽然听起来经验丰富但就是没有那个起劲或者方向,再不然是钱没有到位?种种原因吧 人生嘛 起起落落 嘻嘻   最后一份在办公室的工作是轻轻松松的,就是钱不到位,才有别的想法了,但是那个时候是疫情期...