A Success person is find ways! A Failure person is giving Excuse.... ==yoU noT finISH if u losE,You FINish if you QUit= 我不在乎得到什么,只在乎付出多少
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Dissapointing grandma can't with us.. she need take care grandpa..
for grandma-- I will bring you go.. Wait M3... Give me time.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The LaSt Samurai
Once And for AlL
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Judgement D@y
On 2011- Giggs(Month)- Xavi(Day)...
I wiLl make my shoot.. IN the net or Out the N3T?? Never try never know, until make the 1st move...... I will try my best to play a good game until The day I been set... Let's check it out.
A Last Last Move. CheckMate.? A sincere or A stability? A Loyal or A monetary?
Lack of confident yetTT
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
When making decision, we are gambling..
Right decision = WIN . . . . . . . . . .Wrong decision = LOSE..
A Winner are a people that accept challenge and will not easily giving up...
Gamble with luck will end up lose more than win..
Intelligent, Knowledge, Courage and Insight are require for a WINNER
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Cause and Effect
Everything is come with it reason. Today achievement just because you hardwork..
Cause of you, Effect of me.
Everything Is disadvantage against you...
Hope i'm wrong.. Hope my prediction is wrong.. Hope things go smooth and nice as i wish..
Friday, December 3, 2010
1st week.
Watching Hong Kong series about gamble, Worriessss..of Betting will bring Harm..
The B3st way is don't learn and interested on any betting.. Or else , you will in deep shit,suffering ; low chances in better situation.
Friday, November 26, 2010
The Distance @$@$ Holiday - ON !!
Without Books, Assignment due, Frustrate, Works, Stress, Tension, Pressue...
All is Relax Hour's, Friends, Enjoy-ing, Playing, FUN .. ..... 3 months to generate $$$$$$$$$$$...............
hey, you always in my mind. I will try my best until the last breath. Just want there for you, no matter in sad or happy. Chances are requested.... Hope i make it this time. or else a "WAIT"
I wish, I can always there for you. :-0
I just think of you, and I am filled with dreams,
To keep your love fills all my schemes.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
那就這樣吧 + 算了吧
Change to be better. For now, Wish she keep smile and cheerssss
Today,Tommorrow and moreeeeeeee..will be there for you. As long, you are living happily.
A User or A earnestly and sincerely ?? Up to you. But There is a time limitation
Take is as a Challenge in my life. nothing much i can wish because I'm no ready in the begining of the story but I will try the very Best i can , Successss. :-0
Recently, have a "Nemesis" .. Why dont you have a counter--attk? as what u do in the normal day. There is no an answer. Just slient :-0
36 hours
:-0 Worthy......................................
Saturday, November 13, 2010
good luck jy,tc,cw,wc........ Once i ready, I will lend you a hand..
Friday, November 12, 2010
Is it
Does Man.City Success?? Or Barcelona/Manchester United success with their own Strength??
Real Madrid trying in the past few year, but do they win everything?? NO.
In the end, as a successful football team. Money can not buy everything. A stability and hard train football team manage to have GLORY !!! Deserve it !!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Different places born of people will effect the view of things,
For example- People from city will think chicken don't have feather; People from rural will know chicken have feather. So, The first places of living is important for everyone... Different demand will be show...
I'm proud of living here. It is the life style I wanted. Friendly Friendship. To be have some little changes very soon.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
As a pok3R Game
2 mores to go.. . . ........ ... . . .. Should All in and lets it depends on Luck's or Call ??. 1 Shot for result or wait and patient for coming 2 cards?.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Month of Exam.November
Yeah. Preparing ......................................
Back to normal. BAdminton- Swimming- Futsal-
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Where are you come from?
Facing with mirror. What i doing?. Once and for all.
It is time to defense. Wait until opponent defence tired. It is no point of Attack for nothing. Counter Attack only way to break the defence line.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
B- Be patient
C- Cheat for anything can benefit me
D- Destroy
E- Enough of waiting
F- Friend > Family
G- Go for it
H- Hurting
I- Inlove
J- Joker all the time
K- Keep Try
L- Loyal
M- Money in pocket
N- No way Out
O- Only one
P- Power
Q- Queue up
R- Rarely chance
S- Stay cool
T- There for you
U- You come first
V- Very important now
W- Wonderful memories
X- X to lose
Y- You always in my heart
Z- Zero % return
I will do it
There is no Way out for me now.
Once for all, Do or Die.
No matter good or bad, i will do it.
I have nothing to lose. just a Strike. !.
I get to pass the Hard Time. So?. come on.. :-)
KW, just do it. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 more months. I prepare for you. will not lets you go. !!.
Where are you all?. i need you all... sad ;-9
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
The next one
Primary and Secondary friends are always my first choice. Brothers and Sister. We having no gap relationship. Somehow, college friends- good to know you all and having memories time
Only one bro's can share everything.It was a wonderful memories, no matter good or bad story there. I had no reason to regret.
Month of the begining - prepare for final
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Is the month to start & "try"?
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
October --
Friday due 1 assignment that with 2.5k words. wth?. :-9.
After so much of life stages i gone through, finally there was achievement. Hope i maintain the attidue and the success work i done.. I success because i'm patient.. So do everyone..
In some situation, i willing to try hard for just a success, some other time, i was lazy and stop at the moment.. human attidue?.
Why i no confident to move the first step?. am i really scare of failure?. Yes,i am. I can't fail in this case anymore. Do i really take it serious?. hmm, there was no exact from me. so, why i want?. fun? reason?. or i think she suitable with me and will there for me no matter what happen?. :-(. words cant define any mean until you try .... characterize was the main problem..
If you want others to accept your opinion/idea/suggestion without hurting or problem, Please view from the others side
Friday, September 24, 2010
Why? $
Come on. Lets think postively and be a businessman mind pls.. !. Wtf?. wth?. The more open minded u think, u will earn.. The narrow of minded, u will lose alot..
I will proof to let you know, what i thinking is right !. :-)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
I want thanks to GMZ,KV,AKS,LJL,TCW,EZS,OZZ,GYP.... When i am down, you all there for me.. How people treat me..I must get to Remember 4ever !!.. If good, I must return 2x of your Kindness for Thanks of everything ... If was Bad, I must 2x repay it, and Reverage to make him/she remember
Rememeber me
In my view, who offend me.. he will get the pay... 2x times return.. because i want you to rmb, i am not that kind of people easily bully... be prepared for the day... I can be patient and wait for the day.. hope u still in the field... i will not, let u go easily this time..
Although, now i'm waiting for that day.. yourself must be prepare.. i always recall, how u treat me........
Monday, September 6, 2010
1 week holiday ?.. feeling live in Hospital.. lying on bed.. wtf?. time pass so fast..
Hope this coming weekend, Futsal with yj team.. Must win them this coming games.. haha..
Previous kw team score:
March 13 --Kw team Win - Lose Careven team.
April 17 --Kw team Lose - Win Cheehong team
May 16 -- Kw team Lose - Win Yiqian team
May 29-- Kw team Lose - Win Yorkjing team
June 26--Kw team Lose - Win Yorkjing team
July 31-- Kw team Lose - Win Yorkjing team
August 21 -- Kw team Win - Lose Ronnie Lim Team
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Every week
Now, getting weak and weak.. 1 week no badminton, stamina gettting low.. Is it beer so nice ? taste sweet?... :-) . . . . Lets give beer rest 1 month.. need maintain mine stamina back to normal stat.. Next time, order juice or chinese tea only.. haha... Recuperate kw condition to top form..
Thursday, September 2, 2010
telling lie, that makes everyone believe..
telling joke, that makes everyone laugh..
Both without facial expression...Cool = = =
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
A nice girl with a wealthy background.. you are leaving study at Australia.. IF i go after you, can it be last longer as was a long distance relationship.. couldn't be.. You can work in Ur own.. we know since pre-U.. I'm worries go after you although we always having fun.. Lack of confident... i will try my best to move the 1st step and hope u give me a chance :-)
A cute and cheerful girl.. we can share everything.. can communicate well with she.. the only problem is our relationship are too close as silbings... haizz. haha..just a normal girl that needs a guide to lead her.. am i the one?. :-0
A girl that are less confident and low EQ... she is a caring girl that suitable.. She know to tolerate people around her... kindful and helpful.. Help me quite alot in my academic.. She has alot of admire there... Can take the challege?. :-0
Monday, August 23, 2010
Exciting weekend
Happy dinner. :-)
Previous kw team score:
March 13 --Kw team Win - Lose Careven team.
April 17 --Kw team Lose - Win Cheehong team
May 16 -- Kw team Lose - Win Yiqian team
May 29-- Kw team Lose - Win Yorkjing team
June 26--Kw team Lose - Win Yorkjing team
July 31-- Kw team Lose - Win Yorkjing team
August 21 -- Kw team Win - Lose Ronnie Lim Team
Friday, August 20, 2010
So do as I... In my opinion, it was a good start.. As we grow up, everyone got thier own right of thinking or opinion.. Sometimes, must voice out different point of view, even to accept or not.. I will continue to do that. Must assertive. Initiative. Change of view in the different moment, dont keep follow the old school way...
Tommorrow morning, it was the 7th friendly futsal match. thanks to myself of get an offer for my team.. I wish we could WIN this time.. It mean alots to us.. We been play every weekend with anger and happiness.. In the end, we are having a good relationship.. After hanlong been flight to uk, our spirit getting down.. it is time to get a Victory... Let do this TEAM.. Proud play with you all.. Sometimes,i feel pressure cuz all are mine senior but it was a learning place...... thanks..A Victory only can fullfill us!!... :-0 . Maybe i will at bench but i dont mind, cuz it was fun looking u all there... ''super winger'' wasn't as good as begin.. should give a better player... Good luck team !!.
Kw team versus Ronnie lim team
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I want
I want be Legend
I want be Myth
I want be memory by everypeople who know me
I want be the great one
I want be the top
I want be famous as Mj. On the memories day, up to billion people are watching
I want be the only One
I want be listed in forbes richest business ranking
I want be superb
I want be the one who care by you
I want be the people that care everyone
Previous kw team score:
March 13 --Kw team Win - Lose Careven team.
April 17 --Kw team Lose - Win Cheehong team
May 16 -- Kw team Lose - Win Yiqian team
May 29-- Kw team Lose - Win Yorkjing team
June 26--Kw team Lose - Win Yorkjing team
July 31-- Kw team Lose - Win Yorkjing team
August 21 -- Kw team Win - Lose Ronnie Lim Team
Monday, August 9, 2010
2 Land
Enough / / / / Persistent
Friday, August 6, 2010
Congratulation of graduated... i wish i'm is the next one.. :-(
every bro bring back with different kind of knowledge...
Thanks for sharing what u all learn and get ....
All the best mr Ljl,Tjy... wish u all in great time...
Sweet time always.. do well no matter good or bad time...
Pleased and Happy for both of you... enjoy the sweet moment !!. go go go !!!..
Sunday, August 1, 2010
5 years Incantation
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Previous kw team score:
March 13 --Kw team Win - Lose Careven team.
April 17 --Kw team Lose - Win Cheehong team
May 16 -- Kw team Lose - Win Yiqian team
May 29-- Kw team Lose - Win Yorkjing team
June 26--Kw team Lose - Win Yorkjing team
July 31-- Kw team Lose - Win Yorkjing team
Sad day again... We are leading 3-2 i nthe early but end up we lose.. i not sure the score due of sad.. :-)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Can visit http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=65875&id=1135121224 - for more about my trip...
It was fun. The hotel food was expensive, because of the surrounding was empty without any food stall and takes us around 1hour + to JB... In night time, the way to town was dark without any light assist .... It was danger and makes us stay hotel for food. A roti canai rm5.. Nasi Kandar rm 15... Expensive?. dint have any choices for us..
Next week, 1st year, 2nd sems result will be release... nervoussss... I knew that it might a critical time again, once result out... World cup was distract me and i just hope was fine enough about result...
College mate was asking for clubbing before school reopen... I was not in the mood.. Why should i go?... I go club just for alcohol.. why not i stay a pub or lounge for those and it will be cheaper... Worthy right??... In another side, just go to release stress about everythingggggggggggggggg that come to my mind !!!!!!!!!!!!!.... This is only reason, will make my mind...........
My 2 buddies were back to KL very soon... MR jl & Mr jy.. I miss you all.. This time will be different ya?... Is not a break time... but a Work Time !!@@!!!!.. All the Best. !!
Khai Wei take note this-- How a people treat you..You must get to Remember 4ever !!.. If good, u must return 2x your of your Kindness to Thanks for everything ... If was Bad, u must 2x repay it, for Reverage and make him/she to remember
Learn and get up !!1.. Must face the hard time, no matter what happen ... !!! :-) Gambateh !!
Monday, July 12, 2010
After 64 matches... Every day, every weeks, every mid-night...Everyone is talking about World cup matches... I'm busy monitoring odd... Without a good sleep-8hours... Exam running when world cup started...
Spain deserve with their playing style.. Although i like Netherland but Espanyol still playing the best of the game... Spain play a discipline game but not netherland with a rude game..
Congratsss to SPAIN again... i planing to buy a jersey of spain few months after. haha.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Exam Over... Holiday Mood turn ON
Yeah.. now more free on what i doing... yeah.. Nice WC game.. haha....
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
It was a valuable deal i make. A long term business. A different/types contract can be expand in future beside with just a degree cert. Will operating in 1week. This time should be serious and a challenge mastermind game. It will keep low profile. Wish a good partnership here. Both have a same view - $$. All the Best and Good Luck.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
1/2 of 2010
--1 more week World Cup 2010 to be begin at South Africa...Before that, I will make decision to be sign or anot with a contract that ''Attracted'' me...
---3-4 weeks ... Final exam !! :-).. World cup + Exam = HD !! . . .
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
1 week time.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
--Th3 Golden Era of LegenD--
8 years experience in the field... Get to go through stages... no matter is high or low, makes me learn alot lesson.. It can't get from normal life until u came.... It helps in your life too... There are people lead a hand to me , but there also people look down and criticise... I'm strong and Optimism to face all mine problem.... Am i really like/love this? that others things else?... I can give up everything but not this??. :-)
2920 days make me grow alot... I gain alot experience and share to few of mine dear buddiess... I be player and banker in the past... I know both very well how they manage.... 8 years exprience doesn't mean me the best ever and just a young little boy getting primary school.. Alot more to learn there.... There are priciple of be player and a banker.. if you manage well, u will success very well.... Every success business man does it.... 2012, there is an offer just same as what happen in 2004... That is a different this time... Things go well as what i thought??. Be Banker or Player within a reflect mirror... Both can brings a new pages of history... Once decide for the banker side, it is a hard return way this time.... Player side just not complicated as banker... Do or die, Head or tail.... I want some suggestion and idea there for me-this time... :-0
Previous kw team score:
March 13 --Kw team Win - Lose Careven team.
April 17 --Kw team Lose - Win Cheehong team
May 16 -- Kw team Lose - Win Yiqian team
May 29-- Kw team Lose - Win Yorkjing team
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Mr Thomas. :-(
Previous kw team score:
March 13 --Kw team Win-Lose careven team.
April 17 --Kw team Lose - Win cheehong team
May 16 -- Kw team Lose - Win Yiqian team
Due of lack 1st team player.. :-(
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The familiar
Monday, May 10, 2010
It was over
Forever Manchester United- - - - -
Sunday, May 9, 2010
For all
Monday, May 3, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
Started 2nd half of the sems... Tired.. lazy !!!...
Badminton tournanment around the corner .. can i get in until 3rd round?. my wish.. Register for single only. cant get a partner. :-( .. i just want try my best. good luck KW !!! ..
I watched Barcelona vs inter milan. it was nice game at the 1st half until inter milan become 10men... barcelona keep attk and attk.. but they cant break the death lock by Jose. the match make me satisfy by his way of manage the team...tactical genius. Jose Mourinho . i with you. !.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
7 days
Go Speech, Play badminton, Futsal, B33R, Dota, Sleep, watch Football match .... Prepare for single badminton competition..
Friday night, when The Sanctuary.. A normal pub that provide alcohol. .. 9 jugs we order... left 1 jug cant finish...
I'm miss somethings else?.. Revision? do i ?.
Taylor !!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
!! Clash of the Titans !!
Monday, April 19, 2010
I would like to Thanks very very much to Low Jin Liang !. ! Have a Great Day there bro !!
Btw, a disspointing friendly match between cheehong team. . .wat a lose. . . . .we will challenge you all again !.
Previous kw team score:
March 13 --Kw team 11-5 careven team.
April 17 --Kw team Lose - Win cheehong team
Do not give reason to delay urs Dreams
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Sport news
One month ago,we won a friendly match..As usual we been train and played every weekend.. Now we are prepare for the coming next match,this time it was different because opponent team is an experience team and heard that they take part in some competiton before but nothing is worry... We will Win This.. We ready for it !!
Careven is tranfer to our team. hehe..
Previous kw team score:
March 13 --Kw team 11-5 careven team.
April 17 --Kw team ?-? Cheehong team
120 FB msg.. that nice.. thanks everybody.....around 20+ of sms.. yeah !
GLAD and Appreciate birthday Wishing by u all.. THANKS very much !!. Next year might the best !!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
A & B
Rest or Revison?. ehee. I choose Revison. Hope can make it ! @#$@
....''people say: the day my mum been suffer... Yes she Did!.. hehe.
I wish to change new phone or get a new bag or gk kits or new racquet?.. haha.. Greedy kw.
I wish can get a better result and found a nice gf for myself in this year.. haha.. been 20 years, single... sad.. ahha.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
I want a Break. . . . . . .... .. .
Is quite Stress about next week 2.5 assignment due....
I wish can have 1 weeks break without any activity ... should try switch off my phone for 1 week... tRY? :-)...
This 2weeks quite dissapointing due to the performance of manutd... where are thier spirit of Red Devils??.. I watch the last 3 matches they play... i do not get what they are playing... :-( / hope can retain Bpl... hmm...
Stopped for sometimes.. time to continue mine favourite stuff?.. :-)// to be confirm.
Expecting !!! Coming 1week break... can i ignore all activity?..... just Rest and Revision ..
I'm injuries- leg,waist,shoulder,finger--Thanks to Badminton & Futsal... but still on game... why?. am i really young enough to keep in on ???. haha... - soon R.I.P... might me early then what i expect before 50...
Study Sports STudy Sports... !! !!! !! When Dating ?. actually i not yet meet a girl that attract me or i have high expectation... haha.. Gentle,Caring,Pretty,Wealthy....... Who ?. When ?
1 week more... 20 years anniversary in life.. What i wish ?. hehehee...
WTF?... 2010 is a unlucky year for couple.. 4-5 friends break.. haiz.. sad man
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
who is the-- M ?
Now halftime - Nice one ! ! DEvilsss !! Ht-3-1 . .. Ft - ?
You Are The Man- M
After goal by Bendtner.... His ''Superb'' perform, create a fantasy hat-trick !!! appreciate his spirit in the game... Decide a ticket for semi-finals...
Sleep after half-time... easy game for barca.. congrats Barcelona !!!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
I admit that manutd is playing not really well... are they tired of playing for champion league ??? and chelsea do not have the chance ... Most of the time chelsea is controlling the match... i do not see the Spirit of Red Devils... Hope this coming weekend ''you all'' are willing accept our friendly match again.
I just realise .. the last time i play dota was 22 march 2010... it is a good begin?. :-)..Tired all the time.... sports too much, should take a break... if not, i will report in hell soon
Congrats to jinliang- chelsea fans !..
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
A month
Just wake because want watch Bayern Muchen vs ManUtd... I think is a exicting match after 1998/1999 manutd treble... Who is the super subs for the night to win ?. :-)....
Quote of the month - april - Do not Give up Easily, Even there is just 1% of chances
Sunday, March 28, 2010
i skip pray mine own grandparents.. hehe.. will e-mail them....
Friday, March 26, 2010
Back to the Legend time
History of a ''legend 90''
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Tuesday - Badminton
Wednesday - Badminton
Thursday - Badminton
Friday - Badminton or Futsal
Saturday - Futsal
My Sports days are more than study days... ........ i Like it so much
13March2010 Friendly . . . . Score Board
Kw Team 11 - 5 Friends
27March2010 Friendly . . . . . POSTPONED !@# !!
Kw Team ? - ? Friends
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
2weeks of new sems
Not fully complete yet....Under constructing....It is huge campus....Although i dislike the parking lots,hope improvement soon.... I meet some previous friends and get to know new friends.....
I playing badminton all the time in my school...This sems get to know some girls friend..yeah !. aahaha.... There are lots of error that i make this day...physco not good enough and i am improving by playing with player that better than me... My idol was Indonesia player- Taufik Hidayat.....
Futsal are one of my sports list.... I getting like play with yewleong,kuansim,hanlong and others.........Hanlong can be the best defender and captain in our team.....aha...I'm the position of winger all the time...Super Winger !!!.. I happy that beat my friend team with kuansim them by 11-5 and i score a goal... The 1st goal of the game is superb and was goal of the match, because it is cross by the Super Winger and a Great head goal by kuansim.... Once a while must playing friendly match with others for self improve..I like play in big court,more space.....
Hmm, i waiting bro to back.... can reunion with kuansim..for having chat,drinks, happy...
What next???.. ManChester United - !!! Glory !!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
When chances come, do not let it go.... must take it as challenge even there are difficulty
Friday, February 26, 2010
It is a great great holiday for me.I having alots fun and happy moment with mine buddies...
Is time back to school !!... What i am thinking?... no motivate to stand and move... There are choices for me?.. haha..
Hope that the next holiday will be an excited .. !!#$%
I will waiting for you......even it is 0.01%...........
////~!@# They are not 3rd chance for me !
Lets enjoy the school life !!. !!.
Taylor _--_ I AM BACK !!!!!!!!!
3rd concert-3good man
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
rest part 6
1 month passed... I'm really in the way of calling ''Holiday''.... it is fun and great that do not know what is going on the next day.... Sometimes is boring,it will happen in life... if life do not boring, it is meaningless... Sometimes day dream... Alot of things are come to my mind recently... Can i graduate??... HA HA... 3 more years man !!!^*( ... .... Do mine ambition far apart ?... hope not ... i want it mean i will GET it !!!
I'm waiting for you...i will not get u from mine fren...because friendship number 1 for me...except except u break or really can accept .. :-)... what i thinking??.. crazy mind.. should not man!!.... i should wishing people and not cursing...
There are few people will influence me in my life...where are them now?..the most influence people.. where r u now??...Haiz.. need someone to tell me, which way should i go next...where can i reach in furture... come on kw !!...
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Do i?
I hope so. . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . .. . . .. . . . Time can stop at this moment . . . . . .. . .. .
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Quote of the month
There isn't a highway or fast track to success.Things will goes step by steps.Although journey is far but we will reach safe.I'm slow but i trying my best to make things sure success. :-)
Monday, January 11, 2010
Thanks of sharing happiness in the year of 2009,Lets continue the enjoy life to 2010
live with Happy day///// EveryonE Should Have 2nD chancES
2023 First Quarter
💪 事业记 金融系毕业,工作经验 7 年左右有银行,制造业,保健产品,数据公司等。。。虽然听起来经验丰富但就是没有那个起劲或者方向,再不然是钱没有到位?种种原因吧 人生嘛 起起落落 嘻嘻 最后一份在办公室的工作是轻轻松松的,就是钱不到位,才有别的想法了,但是那个时候是疫情期...

Hmm...my 1st semester doing damn bad and not satisfy with those result...I'm sure i will improve it and do well in the coming semester.....
After Half years +,They meet again!!! What is the latest plan with them?? hahaha, help china victims?myanmar victims?malaysia political?
In my life,i feel vry vry vry proud of my buddie tat have good result in their education...THEM is my MenTor to move on wit my education...g...